all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 5AB 26 51.319407 -0.556681
GU21 5AJ 22 51.320106 -0.555755
GU21 5AP 15 51.319651 -0.555253
GU21 5AH 1 51.319489 -0.556669
GU21 5AS 0 51.320176 -0.554753
GU21 5AT 1 51.319363 -0.555941
GU21 5BA 4 51.320368 -0.555006
GU21 5BG 6 51.321235 -0.555418
GU21 5BH 17 51.320681 -0.554201
GU21 5BJ 3 51.322382 -0.554334
GU21 5BL 0 51.321788 -0.554258
GU21 5BN 2 51.321335 -0.55466
GU21 5BP 1 51.323356 -0.553017
GU21 5BS 2 51.324152 -0.55193
GU21 5BT 0 51.325214 -0.549844
GU21 5BU 1 51.325971 -0.547768
GU21 5BW 0 51.321974 -0.55406
GU21 5BZ 0 51.324999 -0.549177
GU21 5DH 19 51.326336 -0.54457
GU21 5DJ 0 51.320951 -0.553466